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Forgot Password

  1. Select the Forgot Password? link on the sign in page.

RL Logo with email text box and password text box completed.  Below that is a sign in button on the left and a cancel button on the right.  Below that is a remember me checkbox on the left and a forgot password link on the right in blue.  The forgot password link is highlighted by a red box.

2. Enter your email address in the Email field.

RL logo with Reset Password email below it and an email text box.  Below that is a button on the left that reads Send password reset email highlighted by a red box. On the right is a button that reads cancel.

3. Select Send password reset email. You will receive a confirmation screen that an email has been sent.

RL logo with the message underneath that reads Reset password.  If there is an account with the email address, a password reset email has been sent to it,  It will contain a link allowing you to reset your password. The link will be valid for 24 hours.. If you do not see the email within a few minutes, check your junk or spam folder. You may close this tab.

The reset password link will only be valid for 24 hours. If the link has expired, repeat steps 1-3 above.

4. You will receive an email from with the subject Rolka Loube password reset. Select the link in the email. You will be directed to the Rolka Loube reset password page.

If you have not received an email within a few minutes, check your junk and spam folders.

5. Enter a new password in the New password field. Your password must contain at least:

  • 14 characters

  • 1 lowercase letter

  • 1 uppercase letter

  • 1 digit

  • 1 special character

Your password may contain spaces, emojis or other special characters.

6. Enter the same password in the Repeat password field.

7. Select Reset password to complete the reset. You will receive an email with the subject Rolka Loube password changed as a confirmation.

RL Logo with Reset password enter your new password and a password text box.  Below this are the requirements for a new password including that it must contain at lest 14 characters, 1 lowercase letter. 1 uppercase letter. 1 digit, and 1 special character and may contain spaces, emojis or other special characters. Below this is a field to repeat your password. Below this is a button to reset your password which is highlighted in a red box and next to it a button to cancel.

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