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Travel includes all costs related to traveling to or from a  location, generally for assessment, training, installation or maintenance and repair. Travel for Administration and Outreach should be captured under their respective items, since those expenses will go towards the funding caps.

When entering a Travel item, the following fields are required:

  • State Program

  • Start Date

  • End Date

How to add Travel

Travel should be for a specified period of time, and should not be split arbitrarily, based on specific services or specific consumers. When you add a travel item, you must select each service that occurred for that travel time. For instance, if you visited two consumers in one day for an installation for the first consumer and a training for the second consumer, you will add one travel item. You will then select the installation for the first consumer and the training for the second consumer to relate to that travel. The CD will be able to attribute that travel to each consumer.

How to add Travel Costs

Costs should be added to reflect your supporting documentation most accurately. This will assist in the processing of your claim. You should add multiple sub items with costs broken out and uploading the supporting documentation for each. For example, let us assume you have a hotel lodging receipt for $150, food receipts that total $36 (with the total added up on the PDF), mileage for $75.03 total, trainer consultant invoice for 3 hours travel for $250 and an interpreter travel for 3 hours for $200. There should be five sub item lines in your travel costs:

  1. Travel Expenses – Hotel Lodging $150

  2. Travel Expenses – Food $36

  3. Travel Expenses – Mileage $75.03

  4. Travel Time – 3 hours $250

  5. Auxiliary Aid – 3 hours $200

Travel Costs

Costs can be categorized as one of the following:

Line Item


Hours Required?

Travel Time

Costs of technician time spent time travelling to consumer premise.


Travel expenses

Expenses travelling to consumer location to conduct services including transportation costs, costs of hired drivers, lodging and food. Excludes travel time.


Intra-state travel

Intra-state travel expenses incurred by consumers travelling to a site within their home state.


Inter-state travel

Inter-state travel expenses incurred by consumers travelling to a site beyond their home state. This requires pre-approval by the NDBEDP Administrator before the costs are incurred.


Auxiliary aid

Travel time and travel costs incurred by interpreters and support personnel.



Supporting Documentation

Travel time support documentation must include the name of the consumer(s), the number of hours serviced, the hourly rate, the total cost for service hours and the date performed. If the support personnel charges a flat rate, the documentation must indicate this.

Lodging receipts must include the dates of the lodging, the daily rate, and the total cost.

Food receipts must be itemized. The program will not reimburse for any alcoholic beverages. If an itemized receipt is not available or the items are not evident, you should include a list of items purchased to the best of your ability.

Ride share and public transit receipts must show the total amount for each trip. If it is not clear that it is a ride share or public transit, please label these receipts accordingly.

If you are combining costs for lodging, mileage, transport, food or other travel expenses, you must add a total on the PDF supporting documentation that reflects this.

Auxiliary aid support documentation must include the name of the consumer, the number of hours serviced, the hourly rate, the total cost for service hours and the date performed. If the support personnel charges a flat rate, the documentation must indicate this.

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