Notifications are an opt in system. A user can add themselves or another email to a specific notification type. these notifications are tied to entities/ tenants
Notification Type
Using the Get NotificationType/ endpoint will get return a list of all available notifications types that a user can subscribe to.
The Get Notification/ endpoint will return all notifications that the user is subscribed to or the subscriptions the user generated.
The Post Notification/ endpoint will create a new subscription record where the notification type, email to, and entity/tenant Id that is being subscribed too.
Users can remove their own notification types at any time through the Notification Delete endpoint
Notification Blacklist
The blacklist endpoints are mainly for public use to opt out and opt back in.
Because any email can be used as a to email, users have the ability to opt out which will blacklist them from any further emails until the same user (email if no user exists) removes themselves through that blacklist.
A token is generated for each new email which is required to opt out/in that will be in the emails sent out.