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How to Sign In and Sign Out of the NDBEDP Centralized Database

Sign in to the NDBEDP Centralized Database

  1. Enter the web address into your browser.

  2. Select Sign in with Rolka Loube.

    NDBEDP Centralized Database logo with button below that reads Sign in with Rolka loube.  Below that it reads Don't Have an Account, Register with a link.
  3. Enter your email into the email text box.

    Rolka Loube logo with email text box highlighted and email entered in.  Below that, password text box is empty. Below that to the left  is a log in button and to the right of that is a cancel button. Below the buttons is a check box with the words Remember me next to it.  To the right of that are the words forgot password in blue.
  4. Enter your password into the password text box.

    Rolka Loube logo with email text box below it with email entered in.  Below that, password text box is filled in and highlighted with a red box. Below that to the left  is a log in button and to the right of that is a cancel button. Below the buttons is a check box with the words Remember me next to it.  To the right of that are the words forgot password in blue.
  5. Select Log in.

    Rolka Loube logo with email text box below it with email entered in.  Below that, password text box is filled in . Below that to the left is a log in button highlighted with a red box and to the right of that is a cancel button. Below the buttons is a check box with the words Remember me next to it.  To the right of that are the words forgot password in blue.
  6. Select Confirm.

    Rolka Loube logo with the words the following application is requesting access to your account NDBEDP Centralized Database below that there is a Confirm button highlighted by a red box to the left and a cancel button to the right.

Sign Out of the NDBEDP Centralized Database

  1. Navigate to the black circle containing your initials on the upper right of the screen.

    Black circle containing the user's initials is highlighted by a red box.
  2. Select Logout.

    Black circle containing the user's initials is shown in the right hand corner with a menu below it that reads Hello Jessica and My account below it and Logout below my account.  Logout is highlighted by a red box.
  3. Select Yes, sign me out.

    Rolka Loube Logo with Log Out of your Rolka loube account
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