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Technicians conduct communications assessments with consumers for the determination of appropriate equipment to meet needs.

Search for a Technician

  1. In the navigation panel, select Program, then Technicians.

  2. Enter your search criteria into one of the fields. The list of technicians will filter based on your criteria.

Sort a Technician

  1. In the navigation panel, select Program, then Technicians.

  2. Select the down arrow to the right of the item you would like to sort by to sort in ascending order.

  3. Select the up arrow to the right of the item you would like to sort by to sort in descending order.

Add a Technician

  1. In the navigation panel, select Program, then Technicians.

  2. Select + New to add a new technician.

    blue button that reads plus new
  3. In the New Technician pop-up window:

    1. Enter the first name, middle name, and last name of the technician.

    2. Enter the company to which the technician is associated.

    3. Select the entity to which the technician is associated from the drop-down box.

      New technician pop-up with text box for first name on top left, text box for middle name to the right of first name, text bot for last name to the right of middle name, text box for company below  first name, and a drop-down box for entity to the right of company.  In the bottom right are the buttons for Save and Cancel.
  4. Select Save.

Edit a Technician

  1. In the navigation panel, select Program, then Technicians.

  2. Select the Edit icon (green pencil and paper) next to the technician you want to edit.

    Edit Icon (green pencil and paper)
  3. In the Edit Technician pop-up window, edit the information in the fields as applicable.

    Edit technician pop-up with text box for first name on top left, text box for middle name to the right of first name, text bot for last name to the right of middle name, text box for company below  first name, and a drop-down box for entity to the right of company.  In the bottom right are the buttons for Save and Cancel
  4. Select Save.


  1. In the navigation panel, select Program, then Technicians.

  2. Select the View icon (blue eye) next to the technician you want to edit.

    View icon (blue eye)
  3. On the Details tab, select Edit.

    Technician details tab with the details tab highlighted in the top left.  technician name, company and entity name are listed on the left.  In the bottom right is a large green edit button highlighted by a red box.
  4. In the Edit Technician pop-up window, edit the information in the fields as applicable.

    Edit technician pop-up with text box for first name on top left, text box for middle name to the right of first name, text bot for last name to the right of middle name, text box for company below  first name, and a drop-down box for entity to the right of company.  In the bottom right are the buttons for Save and Cancel
  5. Select Save.

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