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The Training section of the CD is for entering all training-related information for the equipment distributed through the NDBEDP. This includes eligible expenses related to providing training to consumers and/or trainers.

When entering a training, the following fields are required:

  • Consumer Name (if applicable)[1]

  • Date Performed

  • State Program

You should select all equipment involved in the training.


To add a Train-the-trainer activity in the Centralized Database, simply check the Train-the-trainer checkbox on the training data entry form. This will allow you to bypass the consumer name requirement. However, please note that Train-the-trainer activities are restricted to a maximum of 2.5% of the total state allocation. Therefore, it's important to accurately capture all Train-the-trainer costs under the correct category.

To do so, you should enter each Train-the-trainer cost as a separate cost sub-item with a clear description as it's listed in the supporting documentation. This may result in one Train-the-trainer line item with multiple sub-items, all categorized as Train-the-trainer.

Training Costs

Costs can be categorized as one of the following:

Line Item


Hours Required?

Auxiliary aid

Service time costs incurred by interpreters and support personnel.


Instructional material

Instructional materials in an accessible format that are necessary for the use of the distributed equipment. Note: The NDBEDP will not reimburse the cost of making user manuals or guides used with mainstream or specialized equipment accessible because manufacturers and service providers must ensure that the information and documentation that they provide to customers is accessible.



Other expenses related to Training.



Costs to provide education for trainers. A maximum of 2.5% of the total state allocation at the time of claim reimbursement is permissible.


Trainer labor

Cost of technician time spent installing equipment and/or software.



When adding Other as a category, you must include a full description explaining the cost and justification for the cost. Any costs categorized as Other without a description will be rejected.[AS1]  We recommend you verify with the NDBEDP Administrator (Jackie Ellington) that the expenses are eligible for reimbursement before entering the Centralized Database.

Auxiliary aid and Trainer labor include only service time. Travel time and expenses should be recorded under Travel.

Supporting Documentation

Training labor and instructional material support documentation must include the name of the consumer, the number of hours serviced, the hourly rate, the total cost for service hours and the date performed. If the support personnel charges a flat rate, the documentation must indicate this.

Auxiliary aid support documentation must include the name of the consumer, the number of hours serviced, the hourly rate, the total cost for service hours and the date performed. If the support personnel charges a flat rate, the documentation must indicate this.

Train-the-trainer support documentation should include the date of the occurrence, number of hours spent, and a description of the costs.


[1] If you are adding a train the trainer activity, consumer is not required. Check the train the trainer box to overcome the Consumer Name requirement.

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