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Reminder: SARs Past Due

The Semi-Annual Report (SAR) is a report that each certified entity needs to submit to the FCC every six months. It reports on reimbursement activities for the prior six months. There are two SARs in each Program Year. Per FCC order, Semi-Annual Reports are due 60 days after the reporting period.

The Semi-Annual Report is generated by Rolka Loube a few weeks prior to the due date. The best way to be aware of when your Semi-Annual Report has been generated or to get updates on the status of your Semi-Annual Report is to sign up for SAR notifications through NDBEDP. If you are signed up for SAR notifications, you will receive an email when your SAR is ready to review, or the status of your SAR has changed.

The Semi-Annual Report should only be submitted once all reimbursement claims have been completely submitted and reviewed by Rolka Loube for accuracy. If your SAR is submitted in error, please contact the service desk for assistance.


A Semi-Annual Report can have one of three statuses: Initiated, Entity Reviewed, or FCC Acknowledged.

Submit a Semi-Annual Report

  1. In the Navigation panel select Reports, then Semi-Annual Reports.

  2. Select the View icon (blue eye) next to the semi-annual report you wish to submit.

    View icon (blue eye)
  3. Have your authorized signer sign the last page.

  4. Select Accept when you are finished. The Accept Semi-Annual Report pop-up will appear.

    The word accept in blue letters on a blue background.
    1. If you are not an eligible signing officer:

    2. Review the report.

    3. Export your Semi-annual report.

      1. Check the checkbox.

      2. Select Upload a file.

      3. Select your signed semi-annual report to upload. File must be a PDF.

      4. Select Open.

        Accept Semi-Annual Report pop-up.  On the top it lists the entity state and below that it lists the last day to file. Below that is a box to check next to an attestation statement.  Below the statement is a box that says upload a file or drag and drop a PDF.  In the bottom right corner are the buttons for Save and Cancel.
      5. Select Save. You will be able to download your Semi-Annual Report as a PDF.

    4. If you are an eligible signing officer:

      1. Check the checkbox.

      2. Enter in your full name.

      3. Enter in your title.

      4. Use the mouse to sign your name in the signature box.

      5. Select Accept.

        Accept Semi-Annual Report pop-up with entity state listed and last day to file listed below that.  Underneath that is a checkbox next to a sworn statement where the user must fill in their full name and title.  Below the title is a space for the user to sign their name with the mouse with accept and clear below it.  The Save and Cancel buttons are in the bottom right. .
      6. Select Save. You will be able to download your Semi-Annual Report as a PDF.

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