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Subscribe to Notifications

For more information on notifications, see Notifications. Notifications for other users can only be managed by the Entity Administrator.

  1. Navigate to the small black circle containing your initials in the upper right of your screen.

    Navigation page highlighting user accounts in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
  2. Select My Account.

    Small black circle in the right hand corner with the user's initials and in the drop-down menu below it is Hello Jess.  Below that is My Account highlighted by a red box and below that is Sign Out.
  3. Select Notifications.

  4. Select + New

    My Account Notifications page with Plus New highlighted on the right side of the screen.
  5. Select the notification you would like to receive from the drop-down box.

  6. Select the entity you for which you would like to receive the notification from the drop-down box.

  7. Check to make sure the e-mail address is correct.

    New Notification pop-up window with notification drop-down box at the top, entity drop-down box below that, and a text entry box for email.  In the bottom right are the Save and Cancel options.
  1. Select


Unsubscribe from Notifications

  1. Navigate to the small black circle containing your initials in the upper right of your screen.

    Navigation page highlighting user accounts in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
  2. Select My Account.

    Small black circle in the right hand corner with the user's initials and in the drop-down menu below it is Hello Jess.  Below that is My Account highlighted by a red box and below that is Sign Out.
  3. Select Notifications.

    User accounts screen with Notifications highlighted in left corner and reimbursement claim results Finley Center for the Deaf and Blind at the bottom with the word delete in the right corner highlighted by a red box.
  4. Select Delete next to the notification from which you want to unsubscribe.

  5. Select Yes at the delete notification pop-up.

Sign Out

  1. Navigate to the small black circle containing your initials in the upper right of your screen.

  2. Select Sign Out.

  3. Select Yes, sign me out. You are now signed out of the NDBEDP Centralized Database.


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