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One or more costs can be added for equipment and services performed within the scope of the program (both program expenses and consumer expenses).

Add a Cost to a New Item

  1. In the navigation panel, select the type of item to which you want to add the new costs.

  2. Select + New to add a new item.

    Blue button that reads plus new
  3. In the new item’s pop-up window, enter the necessary data. Select Next to associate other data to the item if applicable and check add cost after saving. Depending on which item you select, you may or may not see Next on the new item’s pop-up window.

    New Shipping and Tax pop-up with State Program drop-down in the upper left , invoice date to the right of state program, Receipt number below state program, description below receipt number, and a toggle to add cost after saving below description. On  the bottom left are the Back and Next buttons.  On the bottom right are the Save and Cancel buttons.
  4. Select Save.

  5. In the New Cost pop-up window, fill in the fields, as needed.

    1. Time spent (in hours), if applicable (See Eligible Expenses for the Centralized Database for a listing of categories that have time requirements.)

    2. Activity Type

    3. Category (See Eligible Expenses for the Centralized Database for a list of categories based on Activity Type.)

    4. Documentation Page Number corresponding to the attachment that you have or will upload for the cost(s), if applicable. See Attachments.

    5. Cost for the line item

    6. Description of the cost

      New Administrative Cost pop-up with the time in hours at the top, beneath that on the left the activity type locks as Administrative, on the top right there is a drop-down box for category.  Below activity type is documentation page number. to the right of documentation page number is cost.  Below documentation page number is description.  In the bottom right  are the Save and Cancel buttons,
  6. Select Save.

  7. The cost you added will appear in the bottom of the New Administrative Cost pop-up window. From here you can add another cost or an attachment if desired. Select Done when you are finished.

    New Administrative Cost pop-up with the time in hours at the top, beneath that on the left the activity type locks as Administrative, on the top right there is a drop-down box for category.  Below activity type is documentation page number. to the right of documentation page number is cost.  Below documentation page number is description.  In the middle  right  are the Save and Done buttons,  In the bottom row is the Category, description, cost, time page number and paperclip icon. .

Add a Cost to an Existing Item

  1. In the navigation panel, select the type of item to which you want to add the new costs.

  2. Select the View icon (blue eyeball) next to the item to which you want to add the new costs.

    View icon (blue eyeball)
  3. Navigate to the Costs tab.

    Administrative details page with costs tab highlighted on the top left.
  4. Select +New.

    Blue button that reads plus new
  5. In the New Cost pop-up window, fill in the fields, as needed.

    1. Time spent (in hours), if applicable (See Eligible Expenses for the Centralized Database for a listing of categories that have time requirements.)

    2. Activity Type

    3. Category (See Eligible Expenses for the Centralized Database for a list of categories based on Activity Type.)

    4. Documentation Page Number corresponding to the attachment that you have or will upload for the cost(s), if applicable. See Attachments.

    5. Cost for the line item

    6. Description of the cost

      New Administrative Cost pop-up with the time in hours at the top, beneath that on the left the activity type locks as Administrative, on the top right there is a drop-down box for category.  Below activity type is documentation page number. to the right of documentation page number is cost.  Below documentation page number is description.  In the bottom right  are the Save and Cancel buttons
  6. Select Save.

  7. The cost you added will appear in the bottom of the New Administrative Cost pop-up window. From here you can add another cost or an attachment if desired. Select Done when you are finished.

    New Administrative Cost pop-up with the time in hours at the top, beneath that on the left the activity type locks as Administrative, on the top right there is a drop-down box for category.  Below activity type is documentation page number. to the right of documentation page number is cost.  Below documentation page number is description.  In the middle  right  are the Save and Done buttons,  In the bottom row is the Category, description, cost, time page number and paperclip icon.

Edit a Cost

  1. In the navigation panel, select the type of item for which you want to edit the cost.

  2. Select the View icon (blue eyeball) next to the item you want to edit.

    View icon (blue eye)
  3. Select Edit.

  4. Edit the information in the fields as applicable.

    Edit Administrative pop-up with State Program drop down on the top left, Technician drop down below that, text field for date performed below technician, and description below date performed.
  5. Select Save.

  6. Navigate to the Costs tab.

    Administrative details page with costs tab highlighted in upper right.
  7. Select the Edit icon (green pencil and paper) next to the cost you want to edit.

    Edit icon (green pencil and paper)
  8. In the Edit Cost pop up window, edit the information in the fields as applicable.

    Edit Cost pop-up with the time in hours at the top, beneath that on the left the activity type locks as Administrative, on the top right there is a drop-down box for category.  Below activity type is documentation page number. to the right of documentation page number is cost.  Below documentation page number is description.  In the bottom right  are the Save and Cancel buttons

9. Select Save.

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