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You need to enter an individualized assessment of applicant eligibility and communication needs. After entering the assessment, you will need to enter costs for the assessment.

Eligible Expenses for Assessment Costs can be found in the Reimbursement Request Filing Instructions or in Eligible Expenses for the Centralized Database.

Search for an Assessment

  1. In the navigation panel, select Services, then Assessments.

  2. Enter search criteria into one or more of the fields. The list of assessments will filter based on your criteria.

Sort an Assessment

  1. In the navigation panel, select Services, then Assessments.

  2. Select the down arrow to the right of the item you would like to sort by to sort in ascending order.

  3. Select the up arrow to the right of the item you would like to sort by to sort in descending order.

Add an Assessment

  1. In the navigation panel, select Services, then Assessments.

  2. Select + New.

    Blue button that reads plus new
  3. On the New Assessment pop-up window:

    1. Check the box if the consumer is ineligible. If the box is checked, you will not need to select a consumer.

    2. Select the name of an existing consumer or select + New Consumer from the drop-down box to create a new consumer. See Consumers for more information on creating a consumer.
      The state program automatically populates if you select an existing consumer.

    3. Select the name of an existing technician or select + New Technician from the drop-down box to create a new technician. See Technicians for more information on creating a new technician.

    4. Enter the date the assessment was requested.

    5. Enter the date the assessment was performed.

    6. To add costs later, check add cost after saving. See Costs for more information on how to add costs.

      New assessment pop-up with checkbox for if the consumer is ineligible. Below that is a drop-down box for Consumer name and below that the state program will automatically populate.  Below state program is a drop-down box for technician and below technician to the left is a text box for date requested.  Below technician to the left is a text box for date performed. Beneath the date requested text box is a toggle for add cost after saving. In the bottom right are buttons for Save and Cancel.
  4. Select Save.

Edit an Assessment

  1. In the navigation panel, select Services, then Assessments.

  2. Select the Edit icon (green pencil and paper) next to the assessment you want to edit.

    Edit icon (green pencil and paper)
  3. In the Edit Assessment pop-up window, edit the information in the fields as applicable.

    Edit assessment pop-up with checkbox for if the consumer is ineligible. Below that is a drop-down box for Consumer name and below that the state program will automatically populate.  Below state program is a drop-down box for technician and below technician to the left is a text box for date requested.  Below technician to the left is a text box for date performed.  In the bottom right are buttons for Save and Cancel.
  4. Select Save.


  1. In the navigation panel, select Services, then Assessments.

  2. Select the View icon (blue eye) next to the assessment you want to edit.

    View icon (blue eye)
  3. On the Details tab, select Edit.

    Assessment and intake details page with details tab highlighted at top left.  Th the right of the details tab are the costs, consumer, technician, notes, and attachments tabs. Below the tab to the left is the status, consumer name, technician name, state program, date requested, date performed, and assessor time.  in the bottom right is a large green edit button highlighted by a red square.
  4. In the Edit Assessment pop-up window, edit the information in the fields as applicable.

    Edit assessment pop-up with checkbox for if the consumer is ineligible. Below that is a drop-down box for Consumer name and below that the state program will automatically populate.  Below state program is a drop-down box for technician and below technician to the left is a text box for date requested.  Below technician to the left is a text box for date performed. In the bottom right are buttons for Save and Cancel.
  5. Select Save.

  6. On the Costs tab, select the Edit icon (green pencil and paper) next to the line item you want to modify. See Costs for more information on how to edit costs.

    Assessment and intake costs screen with costs tab highlighted in upper left,  Costs on left of eligibility, assessment, auxiliary aid, and other. Line items are on the bottom with description, category, time, cost, page number and icons to attach, edit and delete.  The edit icon is highlighted with a red square.
  7. In the Edit Costs pop-up window, edit the information in the fields as applicable.

    Edit cost pop-up with a text field for time in hours, below that to the left the activity type is locked as assessment, to the right of activity type is a drop-down box for category.  Below activity type is documentation page number.  to the right of documentation page number is a text box for cost. Below documentation page number is a text box for description.  In the bottom right are buttons to Save and Cancel.
  8. Select Save.

  9. On the Consumer tab, select Edit.

    Assessment and Intake Consumer page with consumer tab highlighted,  On the left are all of the details for the consumer including name, date of birth, email.. phone, custom ID, program status, current status, state program, and address.  On the bottom right are buttons for transfer and edit.  The edit button is highlighted with a red square.
  10. In the Edit Consumer pop-up window, edit the information in the fields as applicable. Use the Next and Back buttons to navigate between fields.

    Edit a consumer pop-up with basic info for the consumer including first name, to the right of that middle name, to the right is last name, below first name is date of birth, to the right of date of birth is phone, below phone is a box to check if the consumer has no phone, to the right of phone is email, below date of birth is program status, below program status are fields for full address. In the bottom left are buttons for Back and Next.  in the bottom right are buttons for Save and Cancel.
  11. Select Save.

  12. On the Technician tab, select Edit.

    Assessment and update technician page with technician tab highlighted on the top left.  Technician name, company, entity name, and details listed below. The large green edit button is in the bottom right corner and highlighted with a red box.
  13. In the Edit Technician pop-up window, edit the information in the fields as applicable.

    Edit technician pop-up with text box for first name in upper left with text box for middle name to the right and text box for last name to the right of text box for middle name.  Below first name is a text box for company.  To the right of company is a text box for entity.  In the bottom right are the buttons for Save and Cancel.
  14. Select Save.

  15. On the Notes tab, select Edit next to the note you want to modify.

    Assessment and Intake notes page with the notes tab highlighted in the top left.  Notes search box at the top and the plus new button in the top right.  Below the search box is the body of a note wwith the time, date and who created the note on the left.  Below the search box on the right are the words edit and delete and the word edit is highlighted with a red box.
  16. In the Edit Assessment Note pop-up window, edit the information in the fields as applicable. See Notes for more information on how to edit notes.

    Edit assessment note pop-up with a text box for label at the top.  Below there is a text box for note content.  In the bottom right there are the Save and Cancel buttons.
  17. Select Save.

Delete an Assessment

  1. In the navigation panel, select Services, then Assessments.

  2. Select the Delete icon (red trash can) next to the assessment you want to delete.

    Delete icon (red trash can)
  3. On the delete prompt, select Yes.

You my also want to add a Note, an Attachment, or a Cost to your data.

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